What is the maximum age for a woman to undergo an In Vitro Fertilization Cycle.
Any woman can access IVF as long as her ovaries function normally. Because of this, we must speak of biological age rather than ‘chronological age’. From 40 years onward, the quantity and quality of eggs produced by the ovaries diminishes considerably. This situation is accentuated the closer the woman gets to menopause. Therefore, the maximum age would be when the ovaries cease to function, which in most women coincides with the onset of menopause.
Why does IVF cause more multiple pregnancies?
In this treatment, we transfer one or two embryos to the woman’s uterus, and in exceptional cases, three. Therefore, the probabilities of a multiple pregnancy, although low, are higher than with a natural conception pregnancy.
How long does stimulation treatment for IVF take?
The hormonal stimulation treatment lasts around 8 days. The complete IVF treatment, from the first day of the period, until the embryo transfer, including hormonal treatment, takes a maximum of two weeks.
How much does medication for IVF treatment cost?
Approximately 900€ for the complete treatment. This quantity can diminish or increase slightly depending on the duration of the hormonal treatment. In some regions, the administration pays the cost of the medication.
How many eggs are normally obtained and how many embryos is it advisable to obtain?
The number of eggs obtained depends on the response of the ovaries. In women with low response, we obtain fewer than five eggs; in women with a normal response, between 5 and 15, and in hyper-responsive women, we obtain more than 15 eggs. When it comes to the number of embryos, it is ideal to obtain at least four with the sufficient quality for us to transfer two fresh, and if necessary, another two frozen in the future.
Why aren’t all the obtained embryos transferred?
Two avoid a large scale multiple pregnancy. Also the law only allows a maximum of three embryos to be transferred. At our centre, we advise to transfer only one or two embryos and only in exceptional cases do we transfer three embryos.
What happens to the embryos which are not transferred when they are fresh?
They are frozen. Having frozen embryos allows us, if the pregnancy is not obtained with the fresh embryos, to carry out a second embryo transfer, a new chance at pregnancy without having to go through all the steps of another In vitro Fertilization. If pregnancy is obtained, the remaining embryos are kept frozen until the couple decides what to do with them.
What happens to the embryos which have been frozen?
If a couple does not use their frozen embryos, they must go to the centre to decide what is done with the embryos according to the Assisted Reproduction Law in force.
Do the chances of pregnancy increase if a cryo-transfer is carried out?
Not with the transfer alone. However, if we do not have frozen embryos, the chances of obtaining pregnancy are limited to the transfer which is carried out with fresh embryos. But the more frozen embryos we have, the more cryotransfers can be carried out, which considerably increases the chance of getting pregnant
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