Egg Donation

Egg Reception Programme

This treatment is indicated for patients who have stopped producing mature eggs which can be fertilised and produce healthy embryos. For example in cases of menopause, early menopause, old age, hidden ovarian failure, genetic anomalies, repeated abortions, surgical removal of the ovaries, etc. These women could gestate via donated egg reception.

The donor receives normal In Vitro Fertilisation treatment, the eggs obtained are inseminated with the patient’s husband’s sperm, and finally the resulting embryos are transferred to the recipient. Prior medical history, analysis and examinations are carried out to ensure that the transferral of embryos is possible.

The patients who receive the eggs receive hormonal treatment to prepare the uterus to receive the implanted embryos. This process requires that the donor’s and the recipient’s cycles be synchronized.

Egg donation is currently the Assisted Reproduction technique with the highest pregnancy rates as the embryos have high chances of implantation due to the donor’s young age.

Who donates the eggs?

The women who donate their eggs must do so in a voluntary, altruistic and anonymous manner. They are young women, healthy and over the age of 18 who are required to undergo a detailed analysis of their health which includes a genetic study of their chromosomes (karyotype), study of genetic mutations for illnesses such as Cystic Fibrosis or Fragile X Syndrome, blood tests to rule out sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis B and C, as well as a gynaecological check-up and psychological study.

The selection of the donor is carried out based on the blood group and the physical characteristics of the receiving couple.

The Spanish Law on Assisted Reproduction limits the number of children born from each donor to six. Egg donation is anonymous, regulated by law and requires that both members of a couple sign a consent form. The donor, meanwhile, will also have to sign the document. The law determines that children born through these techniques cannot know the identity of the donor, and donor’s cannot know the identity of the child.